Tuesday, November 22, 2016

My Year in Politics

Finally realized I could show people some of the photos from "My year in politics" via a blogger page that came along with my gmail account.

First photo taken during "my" year was at the Donald Trump Rally in Superior, Wisconsin on April 4th when B and I stood in below freezing temps for 7 hours.  This picture is of B and me at the beginning of our long wait outside.  I bought a T-shirt and Trump scarf and wore them on the outside of my puffy coat to try and add warmth.  B said all I added was a homeless person look, but she still hung out with me anyway!

Later that day Donald Trump signed another T-shirt I brought and stopped to talk to me for a minute.  The photo below does not show me, but shows the point in the rally where Donald is talking to me -- hidden in the sea of people (the guy with white framed glasses on his head was directly behind me in the crowd).
 Next is a photo taken of me while giving a sales pitch for myself before an audience of approximately 250 people at the Congressional District Convention on April 30th.  Nice thing about giving this sales pitch was the fact that I ran uncontested for the Trump Alternate slot, so everyone had to vote for me!
A few weeks later B and I attended the State Convention and had our photo taken with the Minnesota GOP Elephant.  We were both Alternates to the State Convention, but B was seated as a Delegate.
And I had my picture taken with Donald -- well, his cut-out anyway!
Then came the excitement of the Republican National Convention.  Here I am seated as a Delegate for a few hours on the second day.
During my time on the convention floor I also added my John Hancock to the Minnesota sign.

Here I am in the Oval Office (a very tiny version set up at the convention) pointing to my Make America Great Again hat.

I went to look for the Wayne Dupree Show at Media Row and instead ran into two fabulous women -- Diamond and Silk!!!!
We even sat and talked about our man, Donald J. Trump!

View from my Alternate seat on the second floor.  Fabulous time after Donald gave his acceptance speech, and I liked getting a photo of the President and First Lady kissing.
Although the media tried to make fear mongering top priority of the GOP Convention, Peace Officers from across the country gathered in Cleveland to insure everyone's safety.  My husband took a photo of me in my new sparkly hat at the perfect moment -- just as an officer was walking behind me.  With my "Thank You Blue" button on, I could not have been more proud and thankful for their strong presence!
After the balloons came down. . .
Back home at the Senior Expo with B and friends. . .
Before the Cloquet Parade (Democrat float setting up across the street). . .
Trump sign waving back home. . .
"We" won!  Thank you Lord!

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